The Wonders of E-mail Marketing

When e-mail marketing is done responsibly, you will discover that this is a very secure, reliable method which enhances speed and will not pose problems for you.

Reponsible e-mail marketing is a quick and cost effective way of building your business and increasing your revenues. I believe there is no single method that can bring a revenues as quickly and effectively as e-mail marketing.

E-mail marketing, when carried out efficiently can be very powerful considering the following factors:

1. Cost is minimal yet the profit potential is huge.

2. Additional costs of postage, printing and mailing are totally eliminated when you send your offers to prospects and customers.

3. If your offer does not generate the positive responses required, you can improve and mail out the offer again easily - the cost is minimal.

4. Your hottest offers to customers are sent immediately.

5. Orders are sometimes received within minutes of you sending out messages.

6. Product information or answers to questions posed by prospects can be e-mailed within minutes unlike the postal mai which takes 2 to 4 weeks for deliver a response.

7. Establish strong relationship with your customers by keeping in touch with them regularly and thus continue to sell your products to them for many years.

8. The quickest way to virtually build your business and start generating revenue immediately.

An excerpt from the book: p. 235, Bonus Section - The Power of Email , Recipe for Success in Network Marketing (author: B.N. Edward)

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